Friday, October 3, 2008

Introduction and Welcome

Though I have long had disdain for blogs and most other internet-based news and punditry sources (due to their high degree of anonymity, paucity of source referencing, high degree of opinion, and propensity for low density, highly dispersed readership), I have never-the-less arrived at the conclusion, that the over-all aggregate effect of blogs, particularly with the advent of enhanced search and key-word indexing advanced by Google that (breath), it may in fact be worth my time, as a concerned American citizen to add a voice of reasonable reason to the cacophony of bloggatry indicative of the democratic plurality which is the hallmark of this nation (and indeed globally, as it is the internet).

Furthermore, the lack of poignant and unapologetically objective analysis which is altogether lacking in the vast majority of American news outlets, has necessitated this outlet. While non “meanstream” media sources are often cited as being biased or slanted toward one political perspective, or they take great pains to be balanced (at the cost of having perspective), I should note that the views discussed in this blog are the product of rational, cogent thought, devoid of intentional alienation or strident advocacy. Political parties are symbols, non-tangible entities toward which our loyalty must not be blindly given if we truly value our freedom of thought. Rather, it is ideas, independent of the organization or person which espouses them, which should be the relevant basis of political discourse for the betterment of us all. (I should inject humor at this point).

To that extent, I welcome you (you who probably decided to stop reading after the second run-on sentence) to The Sandcastle Political Observer, an irregularly syndicated non-entity in the so-called journalistic sport of blogosphering. Why not blogocube, or blogocylinder? I’m not sure either. In any case, as our introduction has now concluded, our revels can begin.

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